Chris Roams

Travel, Adventures, and Photography

Volcano Tour

A long road trip for Las Vegas to Seattle with the ultimate goal of climbing Mt Baker.3m4JMRrCT0+iFCjs%Yut2Q_thumb_5825 Read More…

Owens Valley

Heading out to Owens Valley to meet up with Rob and Steph for some climbing.9kml1OXYQcSduf8yGAiQlQ_thumb_5981 Read More…

Joshua Tree, Trona, and Death Valley

Attempting to dodge the winter cold by heading to the desert for some climbing, and getting snowed on in Death Valley instead.
TtwhmGmdQIm0JTMdTzy46w_thumb_599f Read More…

Weekend in Aruba

A quick jaunt to Aruba with Alex to check out the island and plan some future diving trips.d6LvpRhvSNibjSRK848hTg_thumb_5720
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Westward Ho

Picking up a new camping rig and heading across the country for some new post-motorcycle adventures out west.l93%N1yGQLSvvIl6sZxluQ_thumb_55fb Read More…

Moab and Ancient Art

Hiking around Grand Junction and Moab, and climbing Ancient Art.
20171025-14 Read More…

High Sierra Trail

Hiking the High Sierra Trail, from Crescent Meadow to Whitney Portal.20170812-5 Read More…

Birch Hollow Canyoneering

Descending Birch Hollow, just outside Zion National Park
20170801-22 Read More…

Acadia Climbing

Climbing Otter Cliffs in Acadia with the AMC
20170528-2 Read More…

Gunks Climbing

Climbing in the Gunks with the AMC
20170520-1 Read More…